Friday, August 24, 2012

The Path

I feel a bit like Red Riding Hood stumbling along the path...  Lucky for me, I believe I'm on the return journey and not rushing headlong to grandmother's where the wolf awaits.  Emerging from the woods that were quite dark and gloomy--pushing through the twisted vines and brambles, seeing a warm light that promises "home" (almost aloud!) with it's glow that flickers now and then through the branches...  That's me on that path. With the scuffed red shoes and the paint under my nails (instead of over them). That's me and I remember.

I have concluded that when i set aside my pencils and brushes and paints--my snippets of lace and simple swaths of blank muslin, I also set aside my heart.  

When I don't doodle small creatures upon *very important papers* or when I don't consider exactly what pumpkins in a moonlit patch might discuss or reflect upon towards the end of October, I'm as hollow and useless as a broken seashell.  Silliness and whimsy are, for me, as essential as water. 

When I refuse to reflect upon the possibilities of "Gamboge" or the mystery of "Cobalt Blue+Payne's Grey" (you're welcome!),  it's my very own fault that my world is drab and lacking color...

But what lesson did I learn in those woods? There was definitely more than one--and not all of them had to do with my work or nurturing my creativity, and really there are only two that I'm going to share right here, right now...and the first one is kind of brambly* and long-winded so it might be more than one "lesson", but here goes:

  1. My work is what it is. There's not much planning and I've no idea how to be fancy and "defend" my work or what have you...  I hope you find something meaningful within the little figures, forms, and creatures --of course that's my hope! But if you don't, that's alright. The work is just fine, I'm alright too, and I'm certain you're lovely. It all remains--you, me, the work--and all of it "is what it is". 
  2. There will be more lessons. Always.

(What do you think "Cecily" is thinking about???)

*"rambly" was firmly denied via spellcheck; however, "brambly" was suggested...and I kind of dig it.


  1. I think Cecily is wondering if she gets to go to Minnesota, too . . . Love your blog, Megan. So glad you're "back."

  2. I am so glad you are back! And you are so right about those lessons...there will always be more. I only pray that they will be joyful ones for you in the future. I hope your health is good and I am so glad you are back! Did I say that already? :)
